
Sep 102013

Recently there have been incidents where unknown persons have inappropriately left discarded items on the sidewalks around Thain Way and on Maybell Avenue. These items were NOT left out for Green Waste pickup on recycle days. This is a reminder that this is our home and all personal items must be disposed of properly.

Dumping items on the street is illegal. If you should see a dumping in progress, please call 9-1-1. If you notice the items at a later time, you should call Zero Waste at the City of Palo Alto (650-496-5910) and they will remove it.

One other reminder, please wait until late Tuesday afternoons to put out your recycling and trash containers and roll them back by Wednesday evening. Help us keep our lovely Barron Square an attractive place to live.

 Posted by at 2:47 PM
Mar 012013

Sometime between 9PM and 10:30PM on Thursday February 28th a bicycle was stolen from a closed patio on Thain Way. If anyone noticed any suspicious activity around that time please contact the Palo Alto Police Department at 329-2413.

 Posted by at 2:27 PM
Feb 212013

At its February 20, 2012 Board of Directors Meeting, the Board appointed PML Management Corporation as the inspector of the election in order to receive the proxies and ballots prior to the upcoming 2013 Annual Meeting of Members scheduled for Wednesday, April 17, 2013 at 7:00pm in the Association’s Clubhouse.

There will be two (2) Director positions up for election at the 2013 Annual Meeting.

If you are interested in running for election to the Board of Directors, please complete the Board Member Candidacy Resume form.

All completed resumes are requested to be returned to PML no later than Wednesday, March 12, 2013.

 Posted by at 9:29 PM
Feb 212013

Recently we have had some requests for service of ‘faulty electrical lines or outlets’ which were due to a ‘tripped’ GFCI. Ground-fault circuit-interrupters (GFCI) are designed to save lives and are to be used in wet and damp locations in and around the home and outbuildings. (Regular circuit breakers are only designed to protect against fire due to overload.) The National Electrical Code states that ground-fault circuit-interrupters shall be used for all 125-volt, single-phase, 15- and 20-amp receptacles installed in the following locations: bathrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, wet-bar sinks, outdoor outlets (e.g. patios) and garages (but not for overhead door openers). A single GFI located in the bathroom outlet may control outlets in other rooms, outdoor areas and/or garages. GFCI protection can also be provided by special circuit breakers in the electrical panel. Continue reading »

 Posted by at 5:16 PM