Important Notice to All Residents
After a number of delays we are finally on schedule to begin installation of the new gates and security system for the recreational areas (clubhouse/spa, pool, tennis court) and the gate at El Camino Real. Installation of the first pool gate will begin on Monday, November 14th. Both pool gates will be replaced with new, sturdier gates which meet the Santa Clara County code for swimming pools. Additionally, the locks on the clubhouse, tennis court and ECR gate will be replaced. The new system will use RFID key fobs and will allow PML Management to remotely operate the locks and provide access for contractors as needed. Finally, new child-proof locks will be installed on the patio fences for units adjacent to the pool.
PLEASE NOTE: All residents will be issued two (2) key fobs to replace the current keys for the recreational areas. Offsite owners will be provided a key fob upon written request to PML.
We have arranged for distribution of the new key fobs at the clubhouse during the following hours listed. Please arrange to have an adult member of your household come to the clubhouse to pick up, and sign for receipt of, the key fobs.
Friday, November 11, 2016 7 PM to 8 PM
Saturday, November 12, 2016 12 Noon to 1 PM
Sunday, November 13, 2016 12 Noon to 1 PM
I missed the notification and did not get the fobs. How can I get ours?
Salit (528)
I have a small number of fobs which were not picked up. I will attempt to deliver them to you.