We have a number of new residents in Barron Square and it may be a good time to remind everyone about some of the important safety and security rules for use of the clubhouse, pool and spa areas.
State law requires that the pool area be closed with secure gates, to prevent small children from entering alone. Over the summer we installed new security gates with digital locks at the West and North entrances to the pool area. Now we have added gate alarms to prevent people from blocking the gate so it cannot close. If a gate is left open for more than one (1) minute a loud alarm will sound. Once the gate is closed the alarm will stop.
We remind you that ALL children under the age of 14 MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT RESIDENT 18 years of age or older.
A copy of the rules for use of the pool and the spa/sauna areas is available. In particular you should note that:
- Glass bottles and breakable containers are STRICTLY PROHIBITED in the pool area, including the upper deck.
- SMOKING is NOT PERMITTED anywhere in the clubhouse, pool, or spa/sauna areas.
- The hours for use of the pool/spa areas are 8AM to 10PM (Sun – Thurs) and 8AM to 11PM (Fri – Sat).
The key fobs you received for entrance to the clubhouse and pool areas, tennis court and the El Camino gate are registered in your name. You should not loan your fob to anyone else. If you lose your fob, contact CIMS Management for a replacement.
With regard to security, there have been recent incidents of a non-resident entering the pool area or loitering in the area near the tennis court. In general the best protection is everyone’s awareness to strangers in the area. Thain Way is a public street and we can’t prevent non-residents from parking there. But if someone enters into the private areas of our complex, either stop them and ask them to explain why they are there OR if you feel threatened by them or observe criminal behavior, call 911 for police assistance.