Have you looked at your neighbor’s garbage can lately? If you have, you’ll see that many of your neighbors have gone “mini”. Since April 2011, our neighborhood has been in a Mini-Can Challenge with other Palo Alto neighborhoods helping the community with its Zero Waste goal, and to see who can achieve 50% mini-can garbage service throughout their neighborhood first. A mini-can is the 20-gallon garbage service.
How is Barron Park doing in the Mini-Can Challenge?
Barron Park is currently in 2nd place with 36%
College Terrace- 45%
Downtown North neighborhood- 35%.
Five other neighborhoods have above 30% mini-can garbage service.
What’s it going to take for Barron Park to reach the 50% goal first and earn neighborhood bragging rights?
150 more Barron Park households need to change their garbage service to the mini-can in order to reach 50%.
How do I know if I can get by with a smaller garbage can?
If you currently have 32-gallon garbage service, you are a likely candidate for a mini-can. Here’s a tip: If your 32-gallon garbage can is 2/3 full or less on a weekly basis, then you are ready to downsize to the 20-gallon mini-can. GreenWaste, Palo Alto’s waste hauler, will provide and deliver a 20-gallon mini-can to you at no additional charge.
Will I save money if I switch to a 20 gallon can?
The 32-gallon garbage service costs $449.76/year and the 20-gallon mini-can costs $246.24/year, for a savings of $203.52/year.
I have questions and need help. Where can I get help?
The Barron Park Green Team would be happy to help and will even make a house call to help you- FREE. E-mail barronpark@pagreenteams.org
Please join your neighbors in switching to the mini-can garbage service and help Barron Park win the Mini-Can Challenge. Call GreenWaste, at (650) 493-4894 to change your service.