The Issues
1. Ingress/Egress
One of the major concerns for residents of Barron Square has been the possible use of Thain Way for ingress and egress from any new project built on the adjacent property. It should be understood by all Barron Square residents that Thain Way is a public street, granted to the City of Palo Alto in 1979 and extending all the way to the fence line with the adjacent property. This is indicated in the general verbal description of the new street and on the platt map of the Barron Square property. Hence, the City could legally grant the adjacent property access to Thain Way.
It should be noted that Thain Way is a ‘sub-standard’ street in width. In some places the roadway is only 24’ wide. There is a 90-degree curve at the approximate mid-point of the street and several garages exit directly into the street on this curve creating an added hazard for drivers and bicyclists. Because of this it was required that there be a second access to Thain Way from El Camino Real for emergency vehicles. This entrance is secured by a gate and a chain and the normal end of Thain Way is a cul-de-sac.
Given the size of the proposed project, the idea that Thain Way could handle an additional increase in vehicular traffic is ludicrous, especially since the exit is onto Maybell Avenue, a “safe route to school” to hundreds of children on bicycles and the Thain/Maybell intersection is already quite congested during rush hour. This was clearly recognized by the architect when he proposed that vehicular ingress/egress for the new project would be on El Camino Real.
This property is only 3/4 of an acre. For the owners to develop it with their current plan they require approval of a Zoning change, from RM 15 TO RM 30, which I believe would be opposed by the majority of Barron Square residents as well as the surrounding Community.
As I understand it, the BSHOA has requested the deed for the sale to see if the Codicil that Janet Thain included when she sold the rest of Thain way, was included by the Executor of Janet’s estate when it was sold to the Juan Trust. When that information is obtained I believe that we should “revisit” the use of that parcel in it’s entirety, & continue to follow this very closely.
The Archetect for this parcel designed the “Grey Box looking Bld:g. with the Solar panels on top”, as well as the Bldg. that Houses Starbucks & Subway. That alone causes concern for us.
Ree & Gary Dufresne
I just sent this message to Grennady Sheyner:
….Just getting to read your review of the May 15, ARB meeting. I’m concerned you didn’t include Laszlo Tokes’ very important comments made at the end of the round. He articulated the narrow substandard street, that is Thain Way, no continuous sidewalks, and other onsite private facilities that could attract ‘trespassing’ [my word]. I hope you will be able to write some addendum.
In addition, the suggestion by the ARB chair, that ‘it would be nice for children/people to meander around our sidewalks and get to know out community” is LUDICROUS. After the session, I asked him point blank if he ever visited out complex… because there are no sidewalks to meander around. If one leaves the street, they will be on private property and there are no sidewalks going into it [the complex]. Our substandard street requires our own residents to walk and bike down the middle of Thain and share it with our cars. Adding more pedestrians and bikes from a visiting property will add negatively to an already difficult situation.
thank you
Ruth Lowy
Thain Way, Barron Square
Is ARB’s approval of this ‘over the top’ project their way of punishing for defeat of the Maybell project? I hope we can stand together against this over reach of the zoning laws. Count me in.