Recently the City of Palo Alto has been tagging some of the recycle containers to remind residents of the proper way to recycle cardboard. As shown on the tag, cardboard boxes should be broken down to conserve space and then placed in the blue container. Placing whole boxes in the container make the transfer to the collection vehicle difficult and may cause litter.
To save space in the container for other recycle items, the cardboard may be cut down or folded to pieces no larger than 2′ by 3′ , bundled securely and placed next to the blue container.
During the holiday season we were forced to replace the mailboxes in the kiosk for buildings 10 and 11. We reviewed the condition of the remaining mailboxes which are 35 years old. Many of them have cracked or broken frames on the doors and were showing their age. The Board decided to upgrade all of the mailboxes and the new mailboxes have now arrived.
Replacement of the mailboxes will involve careful planning and coordination between PML and the Post Office in order to minimize the disruption of mail service to the residents.
The procedure will be as follows:
Distribution of the keys for the new mailboxes at the clubhouse.
On a specified date residents will be asked to ensure that their mailbox is emptied.
The next day the Post Office will unlock all mailboxes, old mailboxes will be removed and replaced by the new ones.
The Post Office will install locks on the new mailboxes (hopefully the same day) and lock the mailboxes.
Mail delivery will resume the following day.
Distribution of the keys for the new mailboxes will take place over the next two weeks. Each family must come to the clubhouse and sign for receipt of the keys. The initial distribution times are:
Tuesday, March 14, 2017 12 Noon to 2PM
Wednesday, March 15, 2017 6PM to 7PM (prior to the Board meeting)
Additional times will be announced as needed. The sooner the keys are distributed, the sooner we can install the new mailboxes. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, please call PML.
After a number of delays we are finally on schedule to begin installation of the new gates and security system for the recreational areas (clubhouse/spa, pool, tennis court) and the gate at El Camino Real. Installation of the first pool gate will begin on Monday, November 14th. Both pool gates will be replaced with new, sturdier gates which meet the Santa Clara County code for swimming pools. Additionally, the locks on the clubhouse, tennis court and ECR gate will be replaced. The new system will use RFID key fobs and will allow PML Management to remotely operate the locks and provide access for contractors as needed. Finally, new child-proof locks will be installed on the patio fences for units adjacent to the pool.
PLEASE NOTE: All residents will be issued two (2) key fobs to replace the current keys for the recreational areas. Offsite owners will be provided a key fob upon written request to PML.
We have arranged for distribution of the new key fobs at the clubhouse during the following hours listed. Please arrange to have an adult member of your household come to the clubhouse to pick up, and sign for receipt of, the key fobs.
Friday, November 11, 2016 7 PM to 8 PM Saturday, November 12, 2016 12 Noon to 1 PM Sunday, November 13, 2016 12 Noon to 1 PM
The new Palo Alto Food Scraps Composting program has begun. New green Yard Waste carts have been delivered to the common areas in Buildings 3,8,10 and 12.
In other buildings where there is no shared trash area, we suggest that neighbors whose trash cabinets adjoin each other consider sharing a combination of 2 black bins (garbage), 1 blue bin (recycle) and 1 green bin (compost). The recommended green bin size would be 64 gal which is the same size as most people’s blue recycle bin. You will need to contact Green Waste Customer Service at (650) 493-4894 to arrange for a bin swap.
Pickup Schedule
Now that there will additional bins being processed, we urge everyone to place the bins at the curb as late as possible on Tuesday afternoon and return them to the storage areas as soon as possible after collection on Wednesday. To ensure pickup of your compostables, the green cart must be put out at the curb by 6 AM Wednesday morning.
Lots of Stuff Can Now Go Into Your Green Cart
Much of what we once threw in the garbage can now go in your green cart. In addition to yard trimmings, you can add these compostable items:
fruits and vegetables (including pits)
nuts (including their shells)
coffee grounds, filters, and tea bags
meat and bones
dairy and eggs
soiled paper (paper plates & cups, used tissues, paper towels, paper napkins)
waxy paper containers (milk and ice cream cartons – even ones with a some plastic pieces are ok)
Chinese and other paper takeout boxes
pizza boxes
compostable plastics (compostable bags, compostable to-go containers, compostable cutlery) – they must be labeled ‘Compostable’
We ask that you put your food scraps in “compostable” bags to help eliminate odors and reduce the attraction of animals (raccoon, skunks) and rodents. These bags are available in several sizes, including a 3 gal size which fits the small pail, in local stores or online at minimal cost. If there is sufficient interest, we may set up a bulk order for our residents. IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO USE THE COMPOST PAIL YOU RECEIVED, please do not discard it. Contact our Zero Waste Block Coordinator, Vickie Martin, at 424-9872 or leave it at her residence (4168, Bldg. 4) and she will return it to Green Waste.
Don’t Forget Our MEET AND LEARN Session
On Monday, July 20th, 7 PM to 8:30 PM Barron Square HOA and Barron Park Association are sponsoring a Meet and Learn session with representatives of Zero Waste in the Barron Square Community Center. Come and learn about the Zero Waste program and get answers to your questions about composting. If you are planning to attend please RSVP here or call/email our Zero Waste Coordinator, Vickie Martin at (650) 424-9872 ( as soon as possible.
For additional information on the composting program, visit the Zero Waste website
As part of the Zero Waste program in Palo Alto the city is initiating a program for composting of residential food scraps. While this new program is NOT MANDATORY, we ask you to consider participation to reduce the amount of landfill waste in Palo Alto.
With this new program, many of the items you now dispose of as ‘garbage’ (landfill waste) will move to the compostable category. This includes not only food scraps, but also food soiled paper products and containers.
That being said, as a multi-family common interest development, we have special considerations in order to implement this program properly. More than half of our units SHARE common areas for the garbage, recycle, and yard waste bins, and with that, must SHARE the task of moving the bins to and from the curb on collection day. Even though every unit is entitled to their own black, blue and green bins, there simply isn’t enough space available to accommodate them. Here at Barron Square, we have identified a multi-tiered approach:
The GREEN Yard Waste bins are available in several sizes: 32 gal, 64 gal and 96 gal. (The jumbo 128 gal bin will not fit through the door of the shared trash area.) All of these will be supplied free of charge by Green Waste.
New 96 gal GREEN bins will be located in the SHARED trash areas for use by the units listed:
Building 3 – Units 4142 – 4152
Building 8 – Units 522 – 528
Building 9A – Units 502 – 508
Building 9B – Units 510 – 516
Building 10 – Units 531 – 541
Building 12 – Units 4131 – 4141
In other buildings where there is no shared trash area, we suggest that neighbors whose trash cabinets adjoin each other consider sharing a combination of 2 black bins (garbage), 1 blue bin (recycle) and 1 green bin (compost). The recommended green bin size would be 64 gal which is the same size as most people’s blue recycle bin. You will need to contact Green Waste Customer Service at (650) 493-4894 to arrange for a bin swap.
In the future as we determine our actual volumes of compostables, the bins can be exchanged for the appropriate sizes.
Now that there will additional bins being processed, we urge everyone to place the bins at the curb as late as possible on Tuesday afternoon and return them to the storage areas as soon as possible after collection on Wednesday.
As you may be aware refuse rates in Palo Alto will be increasing, in part to cover the cost of the new program. But there is still an opportunity for you to save money. Most ‘old fashioned’ garbage cans are 32 gal capacity. We suggest that you recycle your old plastic and rubber cans and replace them with a 20 gal black garbage cart which is available FREE from Green Waste. This will reduce your refuse fee by about $20 per month. The 20 gal carts are easy to roll to the curb so you can also save the $3 per month ‘side yard’ collection charge.
Green Waste has distributed 3 gal ‘pails’ to each residence for collection of food scraps. These scraps, along with other compostable materials, are to be put into the GREEN yard waste bins. We ask that you put your food scraps in “compostable” bags to help eliminate odors and reduce the attraction of animals (raccoon, skunks) and rodents. These bags are available in several sizes, including a 3 gal size which fits the small pail, in local stores or online at minimal cost. If there is sufficient interest, we may set up a bulk order for our residents. IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO USE THE COMPOST PAIL YOU RECEIVED, please do not discard it. Contact our Zero Waste Block Coordinator, Vickie Martin, at 424-9872 or leave it at her residence (4168, Bldg. 4) and she will return it to Green Waste.
Food Scraps (in a compostable bag) including meat, bones, vegetables, dairy products, coffee grounds and filters, and tea bags
Compostable plastics (made from corn, potato or other starch)
Yard trimmings
On Monday, July 20th, 7 PM to 8:30 PM there will be a Meet and Learn session with representatives of Zero Waste in the Barron Square Community Center. Come and learn about the Zero Waste program and get answers to your questions about composting. If you are planning to attend please RSVP to our Zero Waste Coordinator, Vickie Martin at (650) 424-9872 or email her at as soon as possible. For additional information on the composting program, visit the Zero Waste website
The City of Palo Alto has provided a colored brochure and a detailed list itemizing what goes where. For a quick overview watch the video below.