Aug 052016

Palo Alto Smoke Detectors (2)When the permits were received for the current dry rot repairs and painting project, the City of Palo Alto informed us that all units would be required to comply with the updated 2011 State and Municipal code for smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) detectors. The Code states that in new dwelling units & remodels where work exceeds a $1,000 valuation:

1. Photoelectric* smoke alarms shall be installed at each level, and in each sleeping room;
2. When gas burning appliances or an attached garage is present, carbon monoxide alarms shall be installed on each level and immediately outside sleeping rooms
3. Dual sensor (Photoelectric/Ionization) alarms shall be used if located more than 20 ft. from a kitchen, fireplace or wood-burning stove or a bathroom with tub or shower. Ionization smoke alarms are NOT RECOMMENDED, due to excessive nuisance alarms and poor performance in deadly smoldering fires.

*The Palo Alto Fire Department recommends replacing all smoke alarms over 10 years old and replacing all ionization smoke alarms with photoelectric or dual sensor alarms. The alarm must be listed as acceptable by the California State Fire Marshall. If you have any questions you can call the Palo Alto Fire Department at 650-329-2184 or email .

PLEASE REMEMBER, if you are replacing any old ionization detectors, they must be disposed of as HAZARDOUS MATERIAL, not in the general garbage or recycle.

The original units in Barron Square included a single hardwired 120V smoke detector in the hallway outside the bedrooms. These can be replaced by either a hardwired combination smoke/CO detector with battery backup or battery only unit. If they don’t already exist, you will have to add photoelectric or dual-sensor smoke detectors within each sleeping room. These will be battery operated because no convenient source of electrical power is likely to be available to operate them.

First Alert P900_This writer installed the battery operated First Alert PC-900 smoke/CO detector in the hallway replacing the old hardwired smoke detector and then added First Alert P-900 smoke detectors to each bedroom. These were chosen because of their inconspicuous flat design and ease of installation. The newer 910 series have a 3V lithium battery which is stated to last for the 10 year lifetime of the detector. First Alert is a subsidiary of BRK which is listed as acceptable by the State Fire Marshall. But each owner is free to choose the make and model that best suits their budget and preferences.

By now everyone at Barron Square should have received a form from PML to confirm that you are in compliance with these requirements. Without that we cannot receive final inspection approval for the work being done in the painting project. If you need another copy, it is available here.

PLEASE HELP US BY REPLACING YOUR SMOKE AND CO DETECTORS, IF REQUIRED, AND RETURN THE FORM AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. We must have your form before the work on your building is completed in order to have the final inspection by the City.

 Posted by at 11:44 PM
Mar 022016

The 2016 Annual Meeting and Potluck of the Barron Park Association will be held on Sunday, March 6, 2016 from 2PM to 4PM in the Multi-Purpose Room of the Barron Park Elementary School. All residents of Barron Park are welcome to attend. Feel free to bring cookies and snacks to share, the BPA will bring coffee and tea, and we’ll make a potluck out of it! (If you bring a dish to share, please label the ingredients to help people with allergies.)
There will be free babysitting available in an adjacent room, if there is demand. If you are interested, please let us know how many children you will be dropping off by sending an email to
The featured topic of this year’s meeting will be a panel discussion on Sustainability and Climate Change in Palo Alto. Following the discussion there will an added Q&A session on Neighborhood Safety.

Palo Alto’s Sustainability and Climate Action Plan

Gil Friend, M.S., Chief Sustainability Officer, City of Palo Alto

Gil will talk about the city’s emerging Sustainability and Climate Action Plan, and how Palo Alto can continue to lead the state—and the country—on climate strategies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), and improve quality of life, prosperity and resilience.

Gil FriendGil is a pioneer in the field of sustainability, and has extensive experience leading and developing strategic sustainability practices for cities and companies across the globe. Friend is founder and CEO of Natural Logic, Inc., a leading strategy firm helping companies build value at the intersection of business and sustainability. For the past 22 years, Friend has developed sustainability strategies and roadmaps for companies in the technology, food, energy, retail, apparel and other sectors. He developed green product rating systems for two large retail companies, led integrated eco-audits for more than 100 diverse manufacturing companies, and developed and delivered sustainability training for leadership teams associated with large public sector organizations.

Adapting to San Francisco Bay’s Shoreline to Sea Level Rise

Matt Brennan, PhD, PE, Environmental Science Associates

After a brief primer on sea level rise causes, projections, and Bay-area vulnerabilities, Matt will discuss adaption measures that integrate traditional flood protection with natural measures such as managed retreat and ‘horizontal’ levees. He’ll also outline the goals and objectives of the Strategy to Advance Flood protection, Ecosystems and Recreation along the Bay (SAFER Bay) Project, which is developing shoreline protection for Palo Alto, East Palo Alto, and Menlo Park.

Matt Brennan PhD PEMatt Brennan, PhD, PE, is an engineering hydrologist who focuses on understanding and managing estuaries and coasts for habitat, flood control, and water quality. Matt assists natural resource managers and public agencies resolve current issues and improve resiliency in the face of ongoing sea level rise.


Matt’s projects include:

  • assessing coastal flood hazard and integrating habitat restoration into Palo Alto’s, East Palo Alto’s, and Menlo Park’s Bay shoreline flood protection
  • adaptively managing the mouth of the Russian River for steelhead habitat
  • developing sea level rise design guidance for Redwood City’s Inner Harbor
  • assessing sea level rise vulnerability and adaptation strategies for the City of Mountain View

Adaptive Response to Rising Tides – Palo Alto Flood Basin

Chuck Anderson, PE, Schaaf & Wheeler

The majority of Palo Alto’s stormwater flows through the Palo Alto Flood Basin on its way to the Bay. Chuck will summarize a recent study he conducted for the Santa Clara Valley Water District which assessed storm surge and sea level rise impacts on the Flood Basin. The study considers and recommends adaptive responses to the growing vulnerabilities of the Flood Basin to sea level rise.

Charles Anderson PECharles D. Anderson, PE has more than 30 years of experience in the areas of groundwater and surface water hydrology, flood control and drainage, water supply and distribution, and wastewater collection and pumping. He is involved in all the phases of project management and implementation from project feasibility through to design development, construction document preparation, and construction support. On behalf of public and private clients he has completed numerous FEMA flood insurance studies and letters of map change. Mr. Anderson is familiar with the Adobe Creek, Barron Creek, Matadero Creek and San Francisqito Creek watersheds and has designed two major storm water pump stations for the City of Palo Alto.

Special Q&A Session – Neighborhood Safety

Dennis Burns, Chief of Police, City of Palo Alto

10254_fullBurns, a 33-year veteran of the Palo Alto Police Department, started his career in the Palo Alto in 1982. He has worked all patrol shifts and served as a Field Training Officer, a detective, a detective supervisor and a crime-prevention officer. He was promoted assistant police chief in 2007 and became interim police chief in 2008 and was appointed chief in 2009. Burns holds a bachelor’s degree in Administration of Justice from San Jose State and a master’s degree in Public Administration from University of San Francisco


 Posted by at 9:32 PM
Sep 032015

Perky Perkins is doing the September 2015 update of the Community Roster.  Please check your information on the current Roster (the latest was March 2015).

If you wish to update any information (email address, phone number, etc) please email or leave a phone message at 650-493-4415. Deadline to receive changes is September 14.

Thank you!

 Posted by at 11:30 PM
Jul 112015

All of the major upgrades to the pool, spa and deck areas of the clubhouse have been completed. We have some remodeling of the restrooms and kitchen areas in the planning stage.

In the meantime, we would like to remind residents of some very basic rules for the safety and enjoyment of everyone using the pool and spa areas:

  • State Law REQUIRES that all children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult resident over the age of 18 years.
  • State Law REQUIRES that the gates to the pool area be kept closed and locked at ALL times. Protect our children. There were 3 near drownings in pools in Palo Alto in June.
  • Residents are limited to six (6) guests at any one time. Parties are NOT permitted in the pool/spa area. Owners and residents are responsible for their guests at all times.
  • Glassware and breakable containers are PROHIBITED in the pool/spa area. Please consume food or drink away from the pool edge.
  • Pets are PROHIBITED in the pool and spa areas.

A copy of the Association rules for use of the Pool and Spa/Sauna are available.

 Posted by at 6:07 PM
Jul 112015
Yard Waste cart

The new Palo Alto Food Scraps Composting program has begun. New green Yard Waste carts have been delivered to the common areas in Buildings 3,8,10 and 12.

In other buildings where there is no shared trash area, we suggest that neighbors whose trash cabinets adjoin each other consider sharing a combination of 2 black bins (garbage), 1 blue bin (recycle) and 1 green bin (compost). The recommended green bin size would be 64 gal which is the same size as most people’s blue recycle bin. You will need to contact Green Waste Customer Service at (650) 493-4894 to arrange for a bin swap.

Pickup Schedule

Now that there will additional bins being processed, we urge everyone to place the bins at the curb as late as possible on Tuesday afternoon and return them to the storage areas as soon as possible after collection on Wednesday. To ensure pickup of your compostables, the green cart must be put out at the curb by 6 AM Wednesday morning.

Lots of Stuff Can Now Go Into Your Green Cart

Much of what we once threw in the garbage can now go in your green cart. In addition to yard trimmings, you can add these compostable items:

  • fruits and vegetables (including pits)
  • nuts (including their shells)
  • coffee grounds, filters, and tea bags
  • meat and bones
  • dairy and eggs
  • soiled paper (paper plates & cups, used tissues, paper towels, paper napkins)
  • waxy paper containers (milk and ice cream cartons – even ones with a some plastic pieces are ok)
  • Chinese and other paper takeout boxes
  • pizza boxes
  • compostable plastics (compostable bags, compostable to-go containers, compostable cutlery) – they must be labeled ‘Compostable’

A more detailed list of items can be found at

 Do Not Dump Raw Food Scraps in the Green Cart

We ask that you put your food scraps in “compostable” bags to help eliminate odors and reduce the attraction of animals (raccoon, skunks) and rodents. These bags are available in several sizes, including a 3 gal size which fits the small pail, in local stores or online at minimal cost. If there is sufficient interest, we may set up a bulk order for our residents. IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO USE THE COMPOST PAIL YOU RECEIVED, please do not discard it.  Contact our Zero Waste Block Coordinator, Vickie Martin, at 424-9872 or leave it at her residence (4168, Bldg. 4) and she will return it to Green Waste.

Don’t Forget Our MEET AND LEARN Session

On Monday, July 20th, 7 PM to 8:30 PM Barron Square HOA and Barron Park Association are sponsoring a Meet and Learn session with representatives of Zero Waste in the Barron Square Community Center. Come and learn about the Zero Waste program and get answers to your questions about composting. If you are planning to attend please RSVP here or call/email our Zero Waste Coordinator, Vickie Martin at (650) 424-9872 ( as soon as possible.

For additional information on  the composting program, visit the Zero Waste website


 Posted by at 5:35 PM