
Barron Square HOA Annual Social

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Oct 252012


Sunday, October 28th

4:00 PM to 6:00 PM

(Costumes Optional)



(Sorry, no pets allowed in pool area or clubhouse)


 Posted by at 3:19 PM
Oct 022012

Join us for Bike Palo Alto! 2012 and the Mayor’s Challenge this Sunday, 10/7, 1-4 pm at El Carmelo!  Enjoy the beautiful fall weather and discover Palo Alto’s great bike routes!  Meet your neighbors, lower your carbon footprint and have some fun!

Start at El Carmelo School (Bryant & Loma Verde) where we will have bike safety info, helmet fitting, and basic bike safety checks and maintenance. Then choose one of our highlighted routes and take a fun ride with free treats along the way at stops including Whole Foods, the Sweet Shop and the YMCA.  Free water bottles for the first 150 participants and free raffle for all! Continue reading »

 Posted by at 11:17 PM
Sep 272012

For those of you who can’t sleep at night unless you know the absolute latest on these PG&E projects…

In all seriousness, the developments below will have impacts on commuters on Arastradero and Foothill, patients/employees at the VA Hospital, employees at the area businesses, students at Gunn and local temple/church congregants…so please read on: Continue reading »

 Posted by at 9:53 PM

Palo Alto Citizen Survey

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Sep 272012

During the month of October, the City Auditor’s Office will be coordinating Palo Alto’s 2012 Citizen Survey. Survey questionnaires are sent to 1,200 Palo Alto households, asking for feedback on City services. The annual survey, administered through the National Research Center, is developed from a National Citizen SurveyTM template to help provide consistency and comparisons across participating jurisdictions.

“If you are among the randomly selected households, we encourage you to participate in the survey,” said Jim Pelletier, City Auditor. “By voicing your opinion, you provide a valuable perspective on how the city is performing.” Continue reading »

 Posted by at 9:41 PM

Termite Warranty Inspection

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Sep 212012

On Wednesday, October 3, 2012, Terminix will be performing their annual exterior inspection of all the buildings. The work is estimated to take approximately 2 days, and should conclude by Friday, October 5, 2012. Please remember to unlock your back gates in order to make your patios available for inspection. Thank you.

 Posted by at 7:37 PM