Jan 272012

Have you looked at your neighbor’s garbage can lately? If you have, you’ll see that many of your neighbors have gone “mini”. Since April 2011, our neighborhood has been in a Mini-Can Challenge with other Palo Alto neighborhoods helping the community with its Zero Waste goal, and to see who can achieve 50% mini-can garbage service throughout their neighborhood first. A mini-can is the 20-gallon garbage service.

How is Barron Park doing in the Mini-Can Challenge? 

Barron Park is currently in 2nd place with 36%
College Terrace- 45%
Downtown North neighborhood- 35%.
Five other neighborhoods have above 30% mini-can garbage service.

What’s it going to take for Barron Park to reach the 50% goal first and earn neighborhood bragging rights?

150 more Barron Park households need to change their garbage service to the mini-can in order to reach 50%.

How do I know if I can get by with a smaller garbage can?

If you currently have 32-gallon garbage service, you are a likely candidate for a mini-can. Here’s a tip: If your 32-gallon garbage can is 2/3 full or less on a weekly basis, then you are ready to downsize to the 20-gallon mini-can. GreenWaste, Palo Alto’s waste hauler, will provide and deliver a 20-gallon mini-can to you at no additional charge.

Will I save money if I switch to a 20 gallon can?

The 32-gallon garbage service costs $449.76/year and the 20-gallon mini-can costs $246.24/year, for a savings of $203.52/year.

I have questions and need help. Where can I get help?

The Barron Park Green Team would be happy to help and will even make a house call to help you- FREE. E-mail barronpark@pagreenteams.org

Please join your neighbors in switching to the mini-can garbage service and help Barron Park win the Mini-Can Challenge. Call GreenWaste, at (650) 493-4894 to change your service.