Dec 022016

It looks like our contractors, AC Enterprises, are going to finish their work on schedule. The dry rot repairs, except for the decks that need to be replaced, are finished and the painters should wrap up their work in the next 2 weeks. Combined with the lighting replacement project, Barron Square should have a fresh new look for the holidays.

Now is the time we need your help…

Please look around your unit and let us know if there is anything which seems to have been missed or improperly done. Please note that some dry rot problems were deemed to be insignificant AT THIS TIME and could be deferred until the next painting cycle in 7 years. If you see something which you feel needs attention, please fill out the inspection form and send it to PML as soon as possible so we can notify the contractor.

Fence painting

The contract specifies that the contractor will paint the EXTERIOR side of all fences AND the DIVIDING fences between adjacent patios. According to the CC&Rs:

Each Owner shall maintain and keep in repair everything in his Unit and shall have the…right to paint or decorate the interior surface of the backyard fence, subject to the prior written approval of color by the Board.

If you have painted or stained your side of the dividing fence and wish to maintain it that way or if you have plantings which you can not remove for painting, please notify PML and/or the contractor as soon as possible. Otherwise, please move all obstructions so that the painters can access the dividing fences for painting.

The Board thanks you for your cooperation and patience during this project.

 Posted by at 11:21 PM