Jul 112015
Yard Waste cart

The new Palo Alto Food Scraps Composting program has begun. New green Yard Waste carts have been delivered to the common areas in Buildings 3,8,10 and 12.

In other buildings where there is no shared trash area, we suggest that neighbors whose trash cabinets adjoin each other consider sharing a combination of 2 black bins (garbage), 1 blue bin (recycle) and 1 green bin (compost). The recommended green bin size would be 64 gal which is the same size as most people’s blue recycle bin. You will need to contact Green Waste Customer Service at (650) 493-4894 to arrange for a bin swap.

Pickup Schedule

Now that there will additional bins being processed, we urge everyone to place the bins at the curb as late as possible on Tuesday afternoon and return them to the storage areas as soon as possible after collection on Wednesday. To ensure pickup of your compostables, the green cart must be put out at the curb by 6 AM Wednesday morning.

Lots of Stuff Can Now Go Into Your Green Cart

Much of what we once threw in the garbage can now go in your green cart. In addition to yard trimmings, you can add these compostable items:

  • fruits and vegetables (including pits)
  • nuts (including their shells)
  • coffee grounds, filters, and tea bags
  • meat and bones
  • dairy and eggs
  • soiled paper (paper plates & cups, used tissues, paper towels, paper napkins)
  • waxy paper containers (milk and ice cream cartons – even ones with a some plastic pieces are ok)
  • Chinese and other paper takeout boxes
  • pizza boxes
  • compostable plastics (compostable bags, compostable to-go containers, compostable cutlery) – they must be labeled ‘Compostable’

A more detailed list of items can be found at www.cityofpaloalto.org/foodscraps

 Do Not Dump Raw Food Scraps in the Green Cart

We ask that you put your food scraps in “compostable” bags to help eliminate odors and reduce the attraction of animals (raccoon, skunks) and rodents. These bags are available in several sizes, including a 3 gal size which fits the small pail, in local stores or online at minimal cost. If there is sufficient interest, we may set up a bulk order for our residents. IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO USE THE COMPOST PAIL YOU RECEIVED, please do not discard it.  Contact our Zero Waste Block Coordinator, Vickie Martin, at 424-9872 or leave it at her residence (4168, Bldg. 4) and she will return it to Green Waste.

Don’t Forget Our MEET AND LEARN Session

On Monday, July 20th, 7 PM to 8:30 PM Barron Square HOA and Barron Park Association are sponsoring a Meet and Learn session with representatives of Zero Waste in the Barron Square Community Center. Come and learn about the Zero Waste program and get answers to your questions about composting. If you are planning to attend please RSVP here or call/email our Zero Waste Coordinator, Vickie Martin at (650) 424-9872 (vickiem@barronsquare.org) as soon as possible.

For additional information on  the composting program, visit the Zero Waste website


 Posted by at 5:35 PM