The 2015 Annual Meeting of the Barron Square Homeowners Association was held on April 15, 2015 in the clubhouse with approximately 30 members in attendance. A total of 35 ballots, constituting a quorum of the membership, were received. Two incumbents, Maurice Green and John Morrissey, were re-elected to the Board and the Tax Reduction Resolution was passed.
In his President’s report to the membership, Maurice Green reviewed the accomplishments of the past year and described some of the current issues and ongoing and upcoming projects for the association. These included:
- Lighting project(s)
- Roofing project(s)
- Exterior repainting
- Pool and Spa upgrades
- Clubhouse wifi and security system
- Emergency services center
- Garage door upgrades
- Trash/Recycle/Composting changes
- Earthquake Insurance
Additional details on many of these projects are found in other articles on this website.
The Association Treasurer was unable to attend the Annual Meeting. He provided the following statement regarding financial activity for the previous year:
Homeowners were provided a copy of the Reserve Study and Annual Operating budget. The monthly assessments were increased due to lack of increases in earlier years even as operating expenses increased, increased operating expenses mostly expected as annual inflation, and shorter than expected lifetimes for capital assets and previous repairs, even as unplanned reserve expenses were transferred to the homeowner, e.g. windows and sliding glass doors. Keep in mind that monthly assessments are for operating expenses and to contribute to the reserve fund. Also keep in mind that the reserve fund is a method to avoid special assessments.
Further information regarding the current financial status is included in the minutes of the monthly Board meetings.
Marion MacGillivray provided a brief report from the Landscaping Committee. Board Secretary Jo Stiene expressed the appreciation of the Board and the Association for services to the community by:
- Debbie McGraw from PML for all her services to our community, including her skills with the Landscape Committee.
- Marion MacGillivray for her time-consuming and caring service on the Landscape Committee.
- Laszlo Tokes and Ruth and Mike Lowy for their many years of overseeing the pool opening and closings and general oversight.
- Ree Desfresne and Ruth Lowy for their ongoing oversight on City actions regarding the adjacent El Camino property.
- The Volunteer Building Captains under the leadership of Maury Green. It was noted that Captains for buildings 2, 4, 5, 10 and 11 are still needed.
- Maury Green for stepping up as Emergency Preparedness Board Liaison as well as being the Communication radio contact for Barron Square and other sites in Barron Park. And for setting up and managing the Barron Square website.
- Volunteers working with Perky Perkins who made our Annual Social an enjoyable (and delicious) event: Karen Wirth, Marion MacGillivray, Terry Gammon, and Junko Serizawa for their help in making it such a nice afternoon, with special thanks to Mike Wirth as our cameraman.
- Laszlo Tokes for continuing as our Lamplighter, with Ruth Lowy as backup.
President Maurice Green then expressed thanks to our longtime Board Secretary ‘Perky’ Perkins who had retired from the Board and presented her with a bouquet of flowers in appreciation of her 10 years of service to the community.