The Barron Park Association is happy to announce a new type of event for Barron Park residents: the BPA Meet and Learn. The basic idea of BPA Meet and Learns is to harness the expertise of residents and friends of Barron Park for informal seminars in small groups. This could be a dietician giving a lecture about nutrition, a baker teaching a cooking class, or a financial planner providing advice on estate planning. BPA Meet and Learns will initially happen on a roughly monthly schedule and be generally limited to 15-30 people, depending on the event and the venue. They will generally be free, except for the cost of materials, if any. Given limited resources, we are aiming to make this event as low-overhead and easy to manage as possible. We will use the BPA-News email list and Nextdoor for announcements and EventBrite for sign-up.
BP resident Catherine Hendricks has agreed to organize the first set of BPA Meet and Learns, ensuring a trial of this new type of event with high-quality speakers. Longer-term, we hope to identify BP residents who would be interested to talk or teach on their favorite topic. Do you have great gardening tips for urban farmers? Travel advice for the adventure seeker? Whatever it is, there likely are some BP residents who would love to meet and learn about it.