Perky Perkins

Board Secretary

CC&R Amendment Passed

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Jan 102012

The Board wishes to announce that the revisions to the CC&Rs regarding windows and doors were passed by a majority vote of the owners of the BSHOA.  Thank you for your participation.

Christmas Tree Recycling

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Jan 102012

GreenWaste will pick up Christmas trees on the regular  Wednesday recycling days – the first three Wednesdays of January.  They must be less than 4 feet in length (cut them smaller if larger than that), and remove stands and decorations.

Jan 052012

In between those times when the court is air blown, there are brooms (3) for your use in the stairwell below 506/508, next to the tennis court.  Please return them before you begin play.  BE SURE TO LOCK THE COURT UPON LEAVING.

Jan 052012

1.  Time to have dryer vents and chimneys cleaned – an important fire prevention task.  After the vent cleaning, your dryer is not only more efficient, but is no longer a fire hazard.

2.  Have you had your furnace checked recently?

3.  Is your fire extinguisher current and charged?  Check your Barron Square Notebook for more information.

4.  Is your water heater more than 10 years old?  It might be time for a replacement.  This is even more of a concern for upstairs units, since flooding also affects the downstairs unit, and you will be responsible for any repairs.

5.  Review the Table of Contents in your Barron Square Notebook – it may save you time in the future knowing what information is at your fingertips, e.g., locations of your utility shut-offs, recommended vendors, etc.

Jan 052012


When you call 9-1-1 for any reason, their maps have our building numbers on them.  You will get faster response by giving them your building number along with your unit number.  Your building number is on the brown signpost at the entrance to each building indicating the unit addresses.